Apply for membership
The fastest and easiest way to become a member is to use our online form (only in German):
As an alternative to registering online, you can also download, fill out and sign the application form (only in German).
You can either send the form by post to the Geschäftsstelle der DAV Sektion Straubing, Fraunhoferstr. 18, 94315 Straubing or by fax (0 94 21-968 09 10).
We would also be happy to welcome you personally to our office.
Become a DAV member
You love the mountains and adventure? Then you've come to the right place! The German Alpine Club (DAV) is the largest mountain sports association worldwide.
A membership brings many advantages such as discounts in the Alpine Club huts and gyms, insurance coverage in the event of mountain accidents and the opportunity to take part in DAV tours and courses.
But the DAV is about more than just climbing peaks. We all share the love of nature, are committed to protecting the Alps and pass on our knowledge and enthusiasm for mountain sports to others. With over 1.4 million members, we are a strong community who lives that spirit.
Annual membership fee
Member type | Annual contribution | One time recording fee |
A member (individual aged 26 and over) | €65,00 | €32,00 |
B member (spouse, life partner, seniors aged 70 and over, mountain rescue service) | €38,00 | €19,00 |
Juniors (19 - 25 years) | €30,00 | €15,00 |
Childred, Youth up to 18 years old | €25,00 | €12,00 |
Families (children up to 18 years free) | €103,00 | €51,00 |
Can I deduct the DAV contribution as a donation for tax purposes?
No, the membership fee in the German Alpine Club is not tax deductible, as members receive extensive benefits for the fee, such as insurance cover (ASS), discounted overnight stays in huts, the member magazine “Panorama” and other discounts. Only donations without anything in return are tax deductible.
For more information also see the FAQ on DAV's official English website: FAQs concerning a membership in the DAV
Mitgliedsbeiträge ab 01.01.2025
72,00 € |
A-Mitgliedschaft (Vollmitgliedschaft Erwachsene) - ab dem vollendeten 25. Lebensjahr, Aufnahmegebühr 20,00 Euro |
42,00 € |
B-Mitgliedschaft (Vollmitgliedschaft ermäßigt) - für Ehepartner, aktive Mitglieder der Bergwacht, Senioren ab dem 70. Lebensjahr und Menschen mit GdB ab 50%, Aufnahmegebühr 10,00 Euro |
22,00 € |
C-Mitgliedschaft (bei Vollmitgliedschaft in einer anderen Sektion des DAV, OeAV oder des AVS) |
33,00 € |
Junioren (18 bis 25 Jahre), Aufnahmegebühr 10,00 Euro - Junioren mit GdB ab 50% sind beitragsfrei |
28,00 € |
Kinder (0 bis 18 Jahre), Aufnahmegebühr 10,00 Euro - Kinder mit GdB ab 50% sind beitragsfrei |
114,00 € |
Familienmitgliedschaft (Eltern mit Kindern bis 18 Jahre, die am selben Wohnsitz leben), Aufnahmegebühr 30,00 Euro |
Kann ich den DAV-Beitrag als Spende steuerlich geltend machen?
Nein, der Mitgliedsbeitrag im Deutschen Alpenverein ist steuerlich nicht absetzbar, da Mitglieder für den Beitrag umfangreiche Leistungen wie Versicherungsschutz (ASS), vergünstigte Hüttenübernachtungen, Mitgliederzeitschrift „Panorama“ und sonstige Vergünstigungen erhalten. Steuerlich absetzbar sind nur Spenden ohne Gegenleistungen.
DAV member benefits
Mountain sports
- learn everything important about mountain sports in training courses
- use the section's attractive tour program under qualified guidance
- get to know tour partners and like-minded people
- free or discounted access to the section's maps, guides and books
- the mountaineering magazine DAV Panorama six times a year free of charge to your house
- cheaper overnight stays in over 2,000 Alpine club huts
- exclusive access to self-catering huts
- discounted mountaineering food and drinks
- with the Alpine security service (ASS) enjoy worldwide insurance cover for all mountain sports. Claims are handled by Würzburger Versicherungs-AG. The general insurance conditions are applied.
- Current information on safety in mountain sports, prepared in a practical manner by DAV safety research
- Experience adventure, fun and challenges for young and old
- Opportunity to take part in attractive tours and trips
- Discounts for DAV Summit Club trips
- Discounts from advertising partners (see newsletter: Mein Ausrüster, Sport Erdl, Meier Lauf and Sportshop, Radhaus Lang)
- free or discounted access to the DAV climbing facilities throughout Germany
- support programs for young and top climbers
Become active yourself
- ideologic and financial support for the club that stands for the compatibility of mountain sports and nature
- possibility of qualified training as a trainer or specialist trainer
- commitment on environmental construction sites and in the maintenance of the alpine path network
- assistance in the renovation and maintenance of the Alpine Club huts
- if interested, volunteer work in one of the many areas of the section's work
For more information also see DAV's official English website: Benefits of the DAV membership
We are DAV
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